Date | Description |
DEC 16 | Aparna Bhaduri, PhD “Understanding Cell Types in the Developing Human Brain and Glioblastoma” 10:00 a.m., Tamkin Student Lecture Building F108 |
DEC 11 | Momoko Watanabe, PhD “Human brain organoids as a model system for neural development and disease” 10:00 a.m., Tamkin Student Lecture Building F108 |
DEC 9 | Leah Katzelnick, PhD “Protective virus disease-enhancing antibodies and vaccine safety: insights from flavivirus seroepidemiology” 2:00 p.m., Irvine Hall Nelson Auditorium |
DEC 5 | Faranak Fattahi, PhD “Human pluripotent stem cells for the study of peripheral nervous system development and disease” 10:00 a.m., Tamkin Student Lecture Building F108 |
DEC 4 | Timothy O’Shea, PhD “Bioengineering neural repair in the central nervous system” 10:00 a.m., Tamkin Student Lecture Building F108 |
DEC 2 | Barbara Jusiak, PhD “Gene Regulation and Synthetic Biology: From Fruit Flies to Anti-Cancer Circuits” 2:00 p.m., Tamkin Student Lecture Building F114 |
NOV 13 | Alex Loukas, PhD “The parasitic worm pharmacopeia for inflammatory and metabolic disease” 2:00 p.m., Telemedicine Theater B001 |
OCT 28 | Department Seminar: James Costantin, PhD, Nanion Technologies Inc. “Nanion’s Solutions for Screening Ion Channels, Transporters and Cardiomyocytes” 11:00 a.m., Telemedicine Theater B001 |
OCT 18 | Department Seminar: Gaurav Chopra, PhD "Targeting Function of Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells in Solid Tumor Microenvironments" 2:00 p.m., Telemedicine Theater B001 |
OCT 03 | Department Seminar: Francesco Marangoni, PhD “Imaging-driven discovery of a CTLA-4-dependent feedback loop that controls T regulatory cell abundance in tumors” 12:00 p.m., Telemedicine Theater B001 |
MAY 31 | Department Seminar: Irene Vorontsova, PhD "Probing Functional Requirements for Aquaporin 0 in the Zebrafish Lens in Vivo" 8:30 a.m., Gavin Herbert Eye Institute, Cavanaugh B Conference Room 3rd Floor |
MAY 24 | Department Seminar: Geoffrey Abbott, PhD "Activation of K+ channels by GABA, Metabolites and Ancient Folk Medicines" 8:30 a.m., Gavin Herbert Eye Institute, Cavanaugh Conference Room 3rd Floor |
MAY 23 | Department Seminar: Srigokul Upadhyayula, PhD "High Resolution Biological Imaging Across Scales for Fundamental Research" 11 a.m., Medical Education Building, Telemedicine Theater, B001 |
MAY 14 | National VA Research Week with presentations by: Philip Kiser and Jonathan Skupsky |
FEB 27 | Vaccine Research and Development Center Department of Physiology & Biophysics: Chagas Protein Microarray Workshop |
MAR 12 | Dissertation Defense: Lisa Soyeon Baik, "Short Wavelength light-evoked Responses of Drosophila and Mosquitoes", 10 a.m., Medical Education Building, Telemedicine Theater, B001 |
MAR 07 | Department Seminar: Wei Ling Lau, MD. "Gut dysbiosis in chronic kidney disease ", 11 a.m., Medical Education Building, Telemedicine Theater, B001 |
FEB 11 | Department Seminar: Francesco Marangoni, PhD "Repeated short-lived activation signals sustain Treg immunosuppressive functions and promote tumor growth", 11 a.m., Medical Education Building, Telemedicine Theater, B001 |
FEB 04 | Department Seminar: Ming-Ru Wu, PhD "Synthetic gene circuits for cancer immunotherapy: Turning cancer cells against themselves.", 11 a.m., Medical Education Building, Telemedicine Theater, B001 |
JAN 28 | Department Seminar: Yuan Chen, PhD "Ubiquitin-Like Modifications as Cancer Therapeutic Targets", 11 a.m., Medical Education Building, Telemedicine Theater, B001 |
Date | Description |
DEC 18 | Department Faculty Recruitment Seminar Series: Soham Chanda, PhD, "Decrypting the Neuroligin Codes for Synapses Development and Disease," 11 a.m., Medical Education Bldg., Telemedicine Theater, B001 |
DEC 15 | Join our department Holiday Party on Friday, Dec. 15, 2017, 4-7 p.m., Tamkin Hall, F1085. |
NOV 06 | Department Faculty Recruitment Seminar Series: Kevin Beier, PhD, "Viral-genetic dissection of the midbrain dopamine system," 11 a.m., Medical Education Bldg., Telemedicine Theater, B001 |
OCT 26 | Department Seminar Series: "The Physiological Optics of the Lens: A Central Role for the Lens Microcirculation System," 3 p.m., Tamkin Student Lecture Building, F110 |
OCT 02 | Department New Graduate Students Welcome Gathering at the Healing Garden (Pictures to come soon) |
JULY 19 | Physiology Student Clinton Yu defends PhD dissertation, “Investigating Protein Complex Dynamics—Analysis of Cullin-Ring Ligase Machinery through Development of Quantitative Cross-linking Mass Spectrometry Strategies” at 10:00 a.m. in Telemedicine Theater B001, Chair is Lan Huang Ph.D. |
MAY 03 | MSTP Student Tobias Dong defends PhD dissertation, "Visualizing Calcium Dynamics in the Regulation of T Lymphocyte Motility and Activation" at 2:00 p.m. in Tamkin F-110, Chair is Michael D. Cahalan, Ph.D. |
APR 24 | Department Seminar Series: "Synaptic and epigenetic plasticity induced by early life experience drives life-long emotional and cognitive resilience" Speaker: Tallie Z. Baram, M.D., Ph.D. (Vice-Chairman for Research, Department of Medicine; Professor of Pediatrics, Anatomy & Neurobiology, Physiology & Biophysics; Danette Shepard Professor of Neurological Sciences; Director, Conte Center and UCI Epilepsy Research Center (Monday, April 24th, 2017 11:30 am @ Telemedicine Theater B001, Medical Educational Bldg.) |
APR 18 | School of Biological Sciences Presents - "Evanescent Light: The Nature Photography of Professor Ian Parker" (Tuesday, April 18, 2017 @ 4pm in UCI Student Center / Crystal Cove Auditorium and Viewpoint Gallery |
MAR 30 | Department Panel Discussion: "How to communicate with an Elected Official" Invited panel members include (Beth Schachter, Ph.D. @ Beth Schahcter Consulting, scientist to scientist communicator; Sidney Golub, Ph.D. @ Interim Director, UCI Stem Cell Research Center and former Executive Director, FASEB; Kate Klimow @ UCI Associate Vice Chancellor, Public Affairs (This event will be held at Gross Hall 4000 at 10am on Thursday, March 30th, 2017.) |
MAR 29 | Department Writing Workshop: "Journal articles, platform talks, posters or tweets: Optimizing your message for your audience and your medium" By Facilitator: Dr. Beth Schachter – Editor, Coach, Consultant, Writer; Host: Dr. Medha Pathak – Assistant Professor (Wednesday, March 29th 2:30pm – 3:30pm) |
MAR 22 | Department Seminar Series: "Physiological, pathophysiological, and molecular aspects of water soluble vitamin transport in organs of the digestive system" Speaker: Hamid Said, Ph.D. (Vice-Chairman for Research, Department of Medicine; Professor of Medicine, Physiology & Biophysics; Senior Research Career Scientist VA Medical Center Long Beach, CA) (Wednesday, March 22nd, 2017 11:30 am @ Telemedicine Theater B001, Medical Educational Bldg.) |
MAR 14 | Graduate student Galina Schmunk defends PhD dissertation, "IP3-Mediated Calcium Signaling Deficit in Monogenic and Sporadic Forms of Autism Spectrum Disorders" at 12:00 p.m. in Telemedicine Theater, Room B001, Medical Education Building. Chair is John Jay Gargus, M.D., Ph.D. |